


Yosemite poster modern minimal art
Yosemite poster modern minimal art
Yosemite poster modern minimal art

Case Study

Transforming Visual Communication with AI Visuals

May 29, 2023

May 29, 2023

May 29, 2023

VividStream Studios

VividStream Studios

VividStream Studios

VividStream Studios, a creative agency specializing in digital media production, approached Sabang with a need to enhance their visual communication and streamline their design process.

They faced challenges in creating custom illustrations for their projects, which often required significant time and resources. Sabang recognized the opportunity to leverage AI-powered illustration tools to revolutionize VividStream's design workflow and deliver visually stunning results efficiently.

Sabang beach in the Philippines illustration


1. Time-Intensive Illustration Creation

VividStream Studios struggled with the time-consuming nature of custom illustration creation, often causing project delays and resource allocation issues.

2. Cost of Illustration Production

Hiring freelance illustrators or dedicating in-house resources for every project proved to be costly, limiting VividStream's ability to scale their creative offerings.

3. Maintaining Consistency

With multiple projects and different illustrators involved, ensuring visual consistency across their portfolio became a challenge for VividStream.

Sabang beach in the Philippines illustration


The collaboration between Sabang and VividStream Studios yielded impressive results:

1. Increased Efficiency

By leveraging AI-powered illustrations, VividStream reduced their illustration creation time by up to 70%. This significant time savings allowed them to allocate resources to other aspects of their projects and improve overall project turnaround time.

2. Cost Optimization

The integration of AI-based illustration tools helped VividStream Studios minimize their reliance on external illustrators, resulting in substantial cost savings. They could now allocate their budget towards other strategic initiatives, such as marketing campaigns and talent acquisition.

3. Consistent Visual Identity

With the AI tool's customization options and style guides developed in collaboration with Sabang, VividStream achieved a consistent and cohesive visual identity across their projects. This enhanced their brand recognition and reinforced their professional image.

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